HOME > Free Iron-On Bradio Transfer!
Tulsa Bradio Iron-On T-Shirt Transfer

Want your very own Tulsa Bradio T-shirt? You can download this zipped TIFF file and print to an ink jet iron-on transfer sheet, available from your favorite office supply store.
Tulsa Bradio Shirt
Important! You're on your own, and if you destroy a shirt, cause an injury, or otherwise have a bad experience with this, we are very sorry, but not reponsible :-)

This free iron-on logo is designed for light colored fabric only!

To get started, download this file (bradio_black_iron-on.zip)
  • Save the file and unZip bradio_black_iron-on.tif
  • Open bradio_black_iron-on.tif in your favorite graphics program (yes it is supposed to be backwards)
  • Print to an iron-on sheet designed for light colored fabric, using the best print quality do so you'll have a good inky print
  • YOU MAY NEED TO SPECIFY BORDERLESS printing if you get a warning about exceeding the available print area
  • TRIM as much of the excess paper away from the logo as you can.
  • In spite of your transfer instructions saying crank the iron all the way up, this can really ruin your day, so take one of the trimmings and iron onto a rag or some other bit of fabric as a test. If there is the slightest hint of scorching, turn down the heat or you'll ruin the transfer and your shirt.
  • From there it's a matter of following the transfer manufacturer's instructions
  • Good luck, and enjoy!
You may find this Avery help video on YouTube helpful